Friday, June 8, 2012

Well, she's mobile! (sigh...)

Hey everyone!
To start, I'd like to recap the benefit and Great Strides Walk that both occurred in May.  What a success!  The generousity and devotion to our little family was inspiring.  In all, we raised over $5,000 for the CF Foundation and just over $9,000 for Ava's benefit fund.  Wow.  The comfort in knowing that if Ava were to become ill and we needed to stay home with her, that it was actually a possibility (financially), is very calming.  With the continued diligence of family & friends keeping healthy and bathing in sanitizer whenever they're near, has proven to be effective in preventing illness! THANK YOU!!!  At the benefit, we easily had a couple hundred people come out to support Ava's Army.  It still brings tears to my eyes when I think about the sincerity of concern for Ava.  Toasting to Ava's continued health was one of the most emotional parts of the evening for myself.  To see so many young supporters was also very cool.  I understand the venue and theme of the evening probably drew them near but as a result of attendance, they probably learned a lot about CF and that was one of our goals.  Awareness.  The Great Strides walk was an experience, we'll say.  Evidently, this walk has never fared well with the weather and it didn't disappoint that day.  Windy & rainy, we still had over 20 people come to support the Ava's Army team.  To see other groups and people with CF was reassuring.  Maybe that's the wrong word.  It was comforting to know that we weren't going through this alone and that things will be okay.  I do believe that Ava was the youngest CF'er there!   
Lots of new changes with Ava...most importantly, she's a lean, mean, crawling machine!  In a matter of days, she went from only scooting in reverse, to full speed forward motion!  We've been quickly made aware of the "Ava hazards" around the house in regards to babyproofing.  Her fascination with Yukon's food dish has him (& us) worried beyond words.  Often, he leaves food leftover and she's nearly taken a sample to try herself.  Thankfully, I've been able to catch her in the act.  Poor dog...if he doesn't eat when he's served, then he doesn't get to eat at his leisure!  Mobile baby + shedding Husky = bad combination.  We both knew this day would come but until she's vertical, it's daily vacuuming and constant lint-rolling! 
Speaking of the last day or two, Ava has been able to manage standing (as stiff as a board) completely on her own for almost 30 seconds!  Her pride and excitement, even after falling to her butt, is so fun to watch!  It's the small things that make raising a baby so entertaining.  With her increase in activity, comes an increased need for calories......and fat......and protein......and salt.  Geez.  I long for the day when she can tell me verbally that she's full or that she wants another pancake or that if I feed her one more jar of pureed chicken, she's going to barf!  Testing her volume limits have never been easy and I gravely fear a reflux rebound.  Oh well...soon enough she'll be chatting up a storm and I'll then wish for her quiet days to return!  :)
In August, she will be fitted for her chest physiotherapy vest (a lifejacket-looking vest that vibrates to help loosen lung secretions) and we're planning on ordering her the hot pink one!  At that time, she'll also have another lung function test to see how our preventative treatments have been working as well as a massive pile of bloodwork.  Poor Ava...Not to mention, at her pediatrician, she'll receive a couple routine shots.  Guess we'll have to get her a few extra birthday cakes for that month, to reward her for the difficult few weeks of tests and pokes.
I appreciate those who have been (trying to) keeping up with this blog.  I am obviously terrible at maintaining it and I always promise to do better.  Sorry!
~Kate :)